Monthly Archives: March 2015

Take This Cup

Jesus asks us, guides us, directs us to…

Take this Cup and Drink it

On our part it is the act of agreeing and receiving

As we take the Cup of the New Covenant, the Cup of Life, the Cup of Salvation

It is an act of affirmation

We affirm, agree with all that the Shed Blood of Jesus has done

We agree we are forgiven

We agree we have new life

We agree we are in a New Covenant Relationship with Him

We agree that all HE did He has given to us, and we are now in complete possession of it (that’s not to say we understand it all, yet)

Drinking the Cup is a legally required act in a Blood Covenant

It is what binds us together

It is what allows us to have the same Rights and Right Standing with The Father that Jesus has

Take this Cup and Drink it…

Shine On!!!     Laurie

He Gave the Cup

Jesus turned and gave the Cup to the Disciples…

Such Power in those Words

Jesus having taken the Cup of Judgement and the Old Covenant now hands DIRECTLY to the Disciples the Cup

It is Now and Forever the Cup of Life, the Cup of the New Covenant, The Cup of the Forgiveness of sins FOR ALL MEN… (if you are a human this includes you!)

There is no barrier between us anymore, Jesus hands the Cup to every Believer

It is a ONE on ONE Relationship

A disciple is a student, a learner

Jesus reaching thru time and space just as with the Bread, brings all things to Himself in the Present

He was Handing the Cup to You and Me


It is the physical representation of the Truth of our standing in the New Covenant

There was nothing and no one who was standing between Jesus and His Beloved that night, so too now with Jesus and you, Jesus and me

No time, no distance, no behavior, no thought, no enemy was in between them

Jesus was and IS Always, Face Front and Forward in our every moment

And He Gave THE Cup

Not just any Cup, but the Cup of Life, the Cup of Everlasting Life, the Cup of the Forgiveness of ALL sins, the Cup of the NEW Covenant

HE is handing YOU the Cup Right Now, can you hear Him

…Take this Cup

Shine On!!!     Laurie

Thanking the Father for The Cup

Jesus WILLINGLY TOOK the Cup, and I must add KNOWINGLY

He knew and understood what was involved in accepting the Cup of Creator Judge Gods, Cup of Judgement and Righteous Wrath

Jesus was in NO WAY surprised nor swayed by the magnitude

And He Gave Thanks…

He THANKED the Father, ( I pause as these words wash over me yet again)

He Thanked the Father for all that had already been done to keep Gods Children Safe

Namely the blood of bulls and goats

Yet Jesus was also Thanking the Father for His (Jesus’) Ability to give the Father His Children back once and for ALL (based on Heb 12:2)

The clue is the scripture that states Jesus went to the Cross “for the Joy set before Him”

What Joy?!

The Joy of reuniting a doting Father to the Child(ren) He Loves

Jesus took the Cup Giving Thanks…

Shine On!!!     Laurie

What Cup

Jesus Took the Cup…

What Cup?

The Cup of Judgement against my sins

The Cup of Gods Just and Holy Wroth (reads as more than wrath)

The Cup of the Old Covenant

The Cup Jesus picked up was the Cup of the Promises of the Old Covenant

The Covenant that had the curses attached to it

The Covenant where Israel needed annual blood shedding to get back to God

It held ALL the Judgement that ALL sin deserved

IT was the cup of my identity, my judgement, my punishment

This is the Cup Jesus took of His own Free will

He drank it to its dregs, no drop was left

For God so LOVED…

Shine On!!! Laurie

In Like Manner

Jesus took the Cup,

The same way He TOOK the Bread

His free choice

His determination and understanding of what was best

He didn’t hesitate, He didn’t ponder

He was celebrating the Passover…

Knowing He was about to break the back of that which has burdened the Children

In the Passover, they were celebrating that death bypassed (over) the House of Gods Children, Israel

Jesus was also celebrating the breaking of our bondage to death

It would no longer have hold, sway, or power

Jesus took the Cup…

Shine On!!!     Laurie

His Broken Body

Jesus was giving… He gave

Jesus hands the Bread of Life to us

He is giving the Gift to me

I need to take it, as well

I need to receive it

But how?

By speaking the Word over and over and over

We are Kings and Priests

Just because our minds need to be re-newed does not negate this Truth

Its sounds so anti-climactic doesn’t it

To speak the Words of Communion

But that is exactly the Prescription from our Healer

Remember Me, Remember what I have shown you here, Remember My Finished Work, Remember Who I say you are and why I am able to say it

To Remember is a Covenant term, it doesn’t mean it was forgotten…

It means to bring to the forefront of your mind, to meditate, chew on, eat, and speak

To Eulogize, to Speak well of One who has died (although He is not dead now)

As I speak the Word, my faith is built up

My ears hear the Word and Faith comes

Jesus was handing Me His Entire Self in that Broken Bread – now the Bread of Life

All that He has and All that He is, His entire Character and ways of operation

That is what we speak, that is what we eulogize

That is what we Give Thanks for

Shine On!!!     Laurie

The Broken Body: First Things First

Jesus celebrating the Passover in the Last Supper, was prescribed long before He was going to eat of it

God in His infinite Wisdom chose the order, by which all have celebrated

To that end, Jesus Body had to be broken for His Blood to be spilt

Every scourge, every fist, every thorn

Brought forth the issue of Blood, His Blood

It is by no accident or whim on the part of the Father, that this is the order of things

So as Jesus turns and gives us the Broken Bread of Affliction, now the Bread of Life

We begin the connection that forever links the Broken Body and Blood of Jesus

They are inseparable, when you speak of one you also speak of the other

It is the case for all Communion

If we speak of the Bread of Affliction, then we also Remember it has become the Bread of Life

If we Remember what was Broken then we also Remember what was “fixed” (given)

Jesus handed the Bread of Life to me, and you, and the disciples

Saying (as He heard the Father say)

Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

His Body Broken as it took the punishment for my sin, which is the curse, death, hell, grave, separation from the Father (affliction, haste, sickness, lack, etc…)

Jesus took my name and therefore, took my punishment

The Great Exchange

This is what the Broken Body says

We died with Christ, we are Risen in Christ

He, as a part of the New Covenant, took my name as surely as if we had been married, because in His and the Fathers eyes We WERE

Jesus took my name, my punishment, and gave me His Name, His Victory, His Reward, His Right Standing with the Father

Jesus isn’t JUST handing a piece of baked wheat

He is handing me Himself, completely, without reservation or demand

He gave

Shine On!!!     Laurie