
When Jesus was destroyed, for my sake, He was also destroying the Old Covenant and its rule of “sin and death”

Because there was sin there must be death

It was the first rule for man, if you eat you shall surely die

The New Covenant changed that

The Blood of Jesus makes us “virgin territory” in the eyes of God, in regards to sin

Where there is no sin, the curse has NO Right, or Power, or Authority, over the Believer, (and the Believer can and must say so, to give the Power and Authority back to God in their own minds)

It is not an easy concept to gain hold of in our minds, as we have been taught …once a worm always a worm

This IS NOT the Truth of Jesus

The Truth of Jesus is our Forgiveness, completely wiped clean of all sin, past, present and future

Not covered over for a later date BUT FULLY COMPLETELY, REMOVED FOREVER

The enemy of my soul (mind) is the one who prompts me to remember my sin, as he is the accuser of the Brethren, and to consider it as bigger than (more powerful than) the Shed Blood of Jesus

This IS NOT Truth

The Name of Jesus IS the MOST POWERFUL item in the universe and it contains the Broken Body and Shed Blood of Jesus

There is No Thing that is bigger than our Savior, not sin, death, sickness, poverty, etc.

God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are speaking to us always (24/7) encouraging and edifying us to grab hold of these Truths in Christ Jesus

So take Heart Dear One

The Lord Your God IS the Greatest of them all

Shine On!!!     Laurie

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