Trading Places

Jesus took My Name

Jesus took my punishment as if He were me

Jesus took my place in hell


Jesus became sin

The only place for sin upon death was hell

Jesus took up His (my) residence in hell

Hell was/ is the eternal place of separation from the Goodness of God

Jesus as sin, as my sin, took up my residence in hell


That is not the end of the story

Because Jesus was THE Sacrificial Lamb, trusting the Word of the Father

He was raised from the dead and given New Life

And just so, as He paid the price in my name

He has conferred/ given me His Name in His Resurrection

HE took my name and punishment and

Gave me His Name

His Name

His Glorious, Unblemished Name

So I can be as He is

So I can make the same claims upon the Father

God said to bring Him to Remembrance

It is a part of Covenant talk as we take Communion

We REMEMBER the Great Exchange

Death and torture for Life and Peace

The Broken Body and Shed Blood of our Savior

Shine On!!!   Laurie

Insert Your Name Here

In the Great Courtroom of Heaven

With Creator Judge God presiding

Jesus stood naked and without defense

When God called my sin to be accounted for

Jesus said, I am her, I did those things, I am here to pay for my crimes

And so it was, Jesus took my place

Was beaten, whipped, shamed and humiliated in my name

HE was turned into the hamburger I had earned

It is the reason Paul was able to say we died with Christ

Jesus did not just become identified with man

He did not just become man

He took the name and the punishment of every man

All the way back to Adam, where the Law of sin and death started

It is the reason we can be certain of our forgiveness

Jesus by an Act of Love, His Good Will, by His choice

CHOSE to take MY (your) name and die MY (your) death


You are virgin territory to sin

As the God sees you in Christ, you have NEVER harmed any man

Nor broken any Law of God

Jesus died as you and me

This is the surety upon which we stand

Shine On!!!    Laurie

Law of Sin and Death

Jesus Broke, removed, abolished the The Law of sin and Death

If you believe in Jesus, your sins have been REMOVED from you and your account with God

Not covered over but REMOVED

Therefore you ARE the SAME Righteousness AS God, in Christ Jesus

With NO SIN in you, on you, as GOD the Judge sees you

(even if you are sinning right this minute!)


With God its one or the other, NOT both

Clean with life or unclean with death

Jesus paid our price

“This IS MY BLOOD Shed for YOU and for ALL Men

FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF (all your) Sins” (parenthesis mine)

This is the Ministry of Reconciliation God has given each one of us

Death and destruction, which entered because of sin, NO LONGER belongs to the Believer!

The Broken Body and Shed Blood of Jesus

IS MORE POWER FILLED than everything in this world

The Name of Jesus contains His Broken Body and Shed Blood

The Name of Jesus IS more Power Filled than ALL you face

Every thing can be named MUST BOW to the NAME OF JESUS

Cancer, death, finances, ALL means ALL

Take Heart Dearest ONE, You have not been abandoned

The Jesus of your Salvation is near

God has written Him on your Heart and in your Mouth

That YOU may have all that has been Promised

Jesus is the Proof, Jesus IS the Feast to strengthen your mind and your mortal flesh

Shine On!!!     Laurie

Law of Sin and Death

Jesus Broke, removed, abolished the The Law of sin and Death

If you believe in Jesus, your sins have been REMOVED from you and your account with God

Not covered over but REMOVED

Therefore you ARE the SAME Righteousness AS God, in Christ Jesus

With NO SIN in you, on you, as GOD the Judge sees you

(even if you are sinning right this minute!)


With God its one or the other, NOT both

Clean with life or unclean with death

Jesus paid our price

“This IS MY BLOOD Shed for YOU and for ALL Men

FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF (all your) Sins” (parenthesis mine)

This is the Ministry of Reconciliation God has given each one of us

Death and destruction, which entered because of sin, NO LONGER belongs to the Believer!

The Broken Body and Shed Blood of Jesus

IS MORE POWER FILLED than everything in this world

The Name of Jesus contains His Broken Body and Shed Blood

The Name of Jesus IS more Power Filled than ALL you face

Every thing can be named MUST BOW to the NAME OF JESUS

Cancer, death, finances, ALL means ALL

Take Heart Dearest ONE, You have not been abandoned

The Jesus of your Salvation is near

God has written Him on your Heart and in your Mouth

That YOU may have all that has been Promised

Jesus is the Proof, Jesus IS the Feast to strengthen your mind and your mortal flesh

Shine On!!!     Laurie


When Jesus was destroyed, for my sake, He was also destroying the Old Covenant and its rule of “sin and death”

Because there was sin there must be death

It was the first rule for man, if you eat you shall surely die

The New Covenant changed that

The Blood of Jesus makes us “virgin territory” in the eyes of God, in regards to sin

Where there is no sin, the curse has NO Right, or Power, or Authority, over the Believer, (and the Believer can and must say so, to give the Power and Authority back to God in their own minds)

It is not an easy concept to gain hold of in our minds, as we have been taught …once a worm always a worm

This IS NOT the Truth of Jesus

The Truth of Jesus is our Forgiveness, completely wiped clean of all sin, past, present and future

Not covered over for a later date BUT FULLY COMPLETELY, REMOVED FOREVER

The enemy of my soul (mind) is the one who prompts me to remember my sin, as he is the accuser of the Brethren, and to consider it as bigger than (more powerful than) the Shed Blood of Jesus

This IS NOT Truth

The Name of Jesus IS the MOST POWERFUL item in the universe and it contains the Broken Body and Shed Blood of Jesus

There is No Thing that is bigger than our Savior, not sin, death, sickness, poverty, etc.

God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are speaking to us always (24/7) encouraging and edifying us to grab hold of these Truths in Christ Jesus

So take Heart Dear One

The Lord Your God IS the Greatest of them all

Shine On!!!     Laurie


Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Yup, and it has nothing to do with bathing, or housework

It is By His Blood we are clean, Holy, blameless, completely acceptable, in the Sight of The Just, and Holy, Righteous God

Jesus’ Blood, for us believers, has washed us cleaner than the driven (purest white) snow

Oh how the enemy has used these words to dog Gods Children

As a Believer in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, we are pristine, virginal territory, as God sees us, a place (person) where our sins have been wiped out as they never existed

This being TRUTH, the curse, dis-ease, destruction, death, all things of the enemy and sin HAVE NO POWER, RIGHT, OR AUTHORITY, over the Believer

You have not sinned in the Eyes of God thru the Blood of Jesus

The curse causeless does not come, yup


Has Declared IN HIS BLOOD

I AM Sinless (YOU are Sinless)

Therefore, Dearest One

The curse is NOT yours

You ARE Clean

You ARE the Righteousness of God IN Christ Jesus

It’s the Shed Blood of Jesus, not us or our deeds

Shine On!     Laurie

At Hand Double Dare Day

Look at your hands and repeat after Jesus…

“The Kingdom of God IS at Hand!”

“The Kingdom of God IS at Hand!”

“The Kingdom of God IS at Hand!”

That’s Right!

The Kingdom of God is you, right here, right now!

No matter what the enemy of your soul (your mind), would have you think.

You ARE the Garden of God, the Garden of Eden,

A pure slice of Heaven

With all of the attributes

No dis-ease, no decay, no destruction

Only Life and Life in Abundance

He chose you on purpose and He continues to be your Provision

The Broken Body and Shed Blood of Jesus is the CONCRETE PROOF

God never changes His mind, ever

And He Will Not Change His Mind About YOU!

You ARE Holy AND Blameless in His Sight


Shine On!     Laurie

P.S. I have been on a surprise Righteousness sabbatical, it was tough, it was worth it, and I am back!

Communion Covenant

Communion is the Emblem, Symbol of the New Covenant

It is the way by which we Remember the Truth

The Person of Jesus, who IS Truth

Communion was ordained as an Act of Faith

To inspire us with the Remembrance and Recognition of the Blood Shed for this Covenant

Not my Blood, His Blood

Yet it is mine too as I died with Christ and AM Risen in Him

We Remember the Covenant made in and by the Blood of God

A Covenant that CAN NOT EVER be broken

Communion asks us to recognize the Price Paid and to use that Price as our Mirror

It is our Stated Value, from Father God and Jesus, by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Your Stated Value!

You are Worth THIS MUCH, a Price that can not be counted

Communion assists us in finding what is real, versus the imaginings of our world

Communion is Remembering the Covenant

Shine On!!!     Laurie

Of Wheat and Grapes

Wheat and grapes crushed beyond recognition

No longer resembling their former selves, now Bread and Wine

Jesus crushed to smithereens, BY HIS CHOICE

This is the Immeasurable Gift, the Immeasurable Price

This is the Love by which He First Loved us

Remembering the Price Paid, the Ransom given

I am reminded that as far and exceeding as the Price WAS

It was done because of the Value God placed on Me and My Life

Jesus would tell you, He would do it again, To Bring YOU Home

This is Your Value, Your Worth, to the Creator of all the Universe

Dearest One, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit find you of Great Worth

You are indeed a Treasure worth “selling all for” (like the man who found the pearl in the field)

Your worth and value are in the Eye of the Beholder, Jesus

And He has proven by the very price He paid, just how much a Treasure YOU ARE

Shine On!!!     Laurie

(posted to Jesus is the Feast and Heavens Side of the Story)

It Pleased the Father

It please the Father to bruise Him (Jesus)

And it Pleased Jesus to BE bruised

Proof that it was in Jesus’ Will to take the Divine Punishment, including the punishment of man…

You find it in His Words, I lay down My Life, NO ONE Takes it from Me…

That includes the Father

Jesus agreed to the Terms of the New Covenant

Long before there was a man

Lets be clear, Father God was NOT Happy to put Jesus thru the ordeal, on earth or in Heaven

It is Not like a kid burning the ant with a magnifying glass

No, its was the Clear and Only way to return the Children to the Father

We had been stolen from the Father, thru lies and deception

The Father and His Word, were NOT going to let that stand

Scripture says Children are the Glory of the Parent

That is especially True here

You ARE the Fathers Glory, in all the Earth

Dearest One, Jesus saw you in the Father (all that you think you are, too) and CHOSE to be your Once, and Forever Sacrificial Lamb

Jesus Himself is The First Good Gift, from which all other Gifts Flow

Take Jesus, Right now, Take Joy, Take Communion…

It all starts with these Words…


Take your Rightful Place at the Table

Repeat these Words no matter how you feel or what you think


YOU ARE FORGIVEN EVERYTHING!!! (period. the end!)

Shine On!!!     Laurie

(Posted to Jesus is the Feast and Heavens Side of the Story)